The Plot in You drop new single "Don't Look Away"

The Plot in You drop new single  "Don't Look Away"

Coming hot on the heels of their recent single release of “Closure” and their recent EP, ’Vol. 1,’ The Plot In You drops “Don’t Look Away.” "Closure" and "Don't Look Away" perfectly balance each other and show how this band can create balance creating multi genre songs with the same tone that makes them unmistakably theirs. 

Opening up with an iconic scream from Landon Tewers, the song quickly transitions to a breakdown like riff, including a pinch harmonic which I’m an absolute sucker for. It continues with more unclean vocals with long enough pauses to let you appreciate the instrumentals in the background but without leaving you waiting for long. With an eerie voice saying “Don’t look away” to open the chorus, Tewers’s unclean vocals tears it up from immediately. This definitely seems to mimic the tone and cadence of their chorus in “Forgotten” and I am not mad about it at all.

I have to comment again on the pauses that are in this song. I had a friend tell me once that it’s not always about the notes you play, but how you let them breathe and the space you give between the notes that allows the notes to breathe. The way they use their pauses lets so much of the instrumentals breathe through and lets the focus rest there routinely throughout the song but without overpowering the vocals.

The rest of the song follows the set cadence of well placed breaks, screams, and riffs throughout. And the completely unclean bridge adds a nice touch to the closing of the song and bookends the final chorus with unclean vocals before and a The Plot In You branded unclean “fuck,” which is honestly a must have from Tewers at this point, after it- perfectly closing out the song. 

There are so many ‘you saved my life’ signs out there, but The Plot In You seems to be one of the most notable bands at the moment talking about issues that we face in our day to day. Even Tewers commented that “‘Don't Look Away' is a collection of thoughts and feelings about the human experience living in our current world. Dealing with one's personal convictions and strife while comparing the suffering of others." It’s an absolute feat for a song to be able to capture so well the experiences that we all face in a way that we’re looking to put it on repeat when we hear it. 

As proven by the releases we’ve seen so far, The Plot In You has no qualms about genre jumping and keeping everyone on their feet with what they’ll do next. With ‘Vol 1’ still fresh, Jan 2024 as a release date, ‘Vol 2’ is looking like it’s going to carry that moment forward until its release on May 3rd, 2024. After that, you might be able to catch them live on their UK tour this fall, dates below. And check out the music video for “Don’t Look Away,” it’s absolutely fitting, eery, and beautiful all at once.

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