Staind in Ruoff Music Center in Indiana

Friday the 13th is typically thought of as a day of bad luck or a horrible time to camp at Crystal Lake. While there was a significant traffic jam on the way to the venue, those in attendance at Ruoff Music Center cracked the code on the historically superstitious day. It’s easy to understand the influx of traffic considering Lakeview, Daughtry, Breaking Benjamin, and Staind are about to destroy a sold out crowd. As I type this, I can’t help but acknowledge the venue still is, and always will be, Deer Creek Music Center. Well maybe not officially, but if Pine Knob Music Theatre is a trend then there is hope!

Lakeview took the stage first and, sadly, I was still stuck in traffic. I arrived at the venue while they were still on stage and could hear the roars of the crowd after each song. Their debut album, Lakeview, released today and I am eager to catch these guys on the road again soon. Daughtry was up next and inherited an already pumped up crowd that was hungry for more. Chris satisfied the crowd with an incredible setlist that included It’s Not Over, Heavy is the Crown, and Separate Ways. The band played some incredible new songs that should be on their next EP releasing at the end of September. These songs included the Reckoning, Artificial, and Pieces. Daughtry definitely left it all on the stage and couldn’t have prepared the crowd any better for Breaking Benjamin.

Breaking Benjamin took the stage next right as the sun was starting to set. Breaking Benjamin’s epic light show took over as darkness was surrounding the venue. For the next ninety minutes, Breaking Benjamin delivered hit after hit including Until the End, Red Cold River, Blow Me Away, So Cold, Polyamorous, and I Will Not Bow. Fans were in for a treat when Chris Daughtry joined the band and helped sing Breath. Sadly, I had to return to the trailer to regroup with the other photographers before the band played the Diary of Jane. The trailer is a decent distance away from the stage and I could clearly hear the Diary of Jane inside of the trailer. The sound technicians for Breaking Benjamin were absolutely outstanding.

Staind closed out this epic Friday the 13th. I can’t help but reflect on how outstanding this lineup was and how every band gave everything they had. The setlist included old favorites Fade, It’s Been Awhile, So Far Away, and Mudshovel among others. Staind also played Lowest in Me, Here and Now, and Better Days from their latest studio album, Confessions of the Fallen, released on September 22, 2023. I’d recommend checking out the Better Days version featuring Dorothy. Outside was the most memorable, and incredible, song in this set. I spent an equal amount of time watching the stage as I did panning the venue, noticing more and more lighters light up as each second passed. I’ve been to many concerts and I’ve never seen such a sea of light before. Topping that, Aaron backed off the vocals for the last chorus while taking in the entire crowd belting out the lyrics word for word. The crowd’s vocals were loud enough to cover the instrument volume. Absolutely incredible and what a night!